
Fire Door Week 2022 #FDSW22

A third of people wouldn’t report an issue with a Fire Door - would you?

A third (32%) of the British public would not report a problem with a fire door, with a perceived lack of personal repercussions being one of the main reasons for not doing so our latest research found.

And despite three quarters (75%) correctly believing that propping a fire door open stops it performing its role in the event of a fire, 44% wouldn’t take action over a propped open fire door as they wouldn’t know who to report it to, and almost half (49%) do not feel it’s their place or role to report it.

Check out the Video below for some vital information on fire doors.



HB Safety Consultancy have again this year committed to supporting Fire Door Safety Week for the 4th year which runs from the 21st September to the 27th September. To support Fire Door Safety Week we will be publishing on our website and Social Media Channels information on Fire Doors relating to different environments such as Residential, Commercial and Public Buildings.

Our first article shows you how to check your Fire Doors and why you need to check your Fire Doors. Remember if you suspect the building you’re living in, working in or visiting has a faulty fire door?

Don’t walk by. Report it to whoever manages or owns the building.

You could save a life that day !!!

Follow the link below to see simple infograph on how to check the Fire Doors in your premises.


If you would like advice on any aspect of Fire Safety, please do not hesitate to get in touch!.


Fire Door Week 26th September - 2nd October 2016

HBSC are pledging our support for Fire Door Week ... Why?? Put simply Fire Doors save life and property.  

The Fire Door campaign aims to engage and educate building owners and building users on how to use them properly. 

Leading up to Fire Door Week and of course during Fire Door Week, HBSC will be sharing articles on Fire Door Safety and how you can get engaged, so keep checking back for more info!

Our first article is A Five Step Fire Door Check to help you make sure your doors are up to the job. 

  • Check for certification Is there a label or plug on top (or occasionally on the side) of the door to show it is a certificated fire door? You can use the selfie function on your camera phone or a mirror to check. If there is, that’s good news, otherwise report it to whoever is in charge of your building.
  • Check the gaps Check the gaps around the top and sides of the door are consistently less than 4mm when closed. You can use a £1 coin to give a feel for scale, this is about 3mm thick. The gap under the door can be slightly larger (up to 8mm is not uncommon), but if does depend on the door - as a rule of thumb, if you can see light under the door, the gap is likely to be too big. It’s good news if the door fits the frame and it’s not damaged. If not, report it. If the gaps are too big smoke and fire could travel through the cracks.
  • Check the seals Are there any intumescent seals around the door or frame, and are they intact with no sign of damage? These seals are usually vital to the fire door's performance, expanding if in contact with heat to ensure fire (and in some cases smoke) can’t move through the cracks. If not, report it - the door may not be properly maintained and in the intensity of a fire may not protect you long enough.
  • Check the hinges Are the hinges firmly fixed (three or more of them), with no missing or broken screws? If you see problems, report it - the door is obviously not properly maintained and in the intensity of a fire may not perform and hold back the fire for long enough.
  • Check the door closes properly Open the door about halfway, let go and allow it to close by itself. Does it close firmly onto the latch without sticking on the floor or the frame? If not, report it. A fire door only works when it’s closed. A fire door is completely useless if it’s wedged open or can’t close fully.

    If you think the building you're living in, working in or visiting has a faulty fire door, don't walk by. Report it to whoever manages or owns the building. You could save a live that day.

